Our two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities offer strategic coverage in the United States and Canada to serve the North American market. Located in Lebanon, Indiana, and Brampton, Ontario, our teams work cross-border and cross-functionally with your success in our sights.
Peanut Free Facilities
Our facilities are 100% free of peanuts and their trace contaminants to offer you and your customers confidence.
Organic Certified
Our facilities are recognized by certifying bodies in the US and Canada.
Quality Certifications
Our BRC-certified facilities manufacture products with GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) standards for top-tier quality and safety.
Hot-Fill Manufacturing
Both our facilities support hot-fill manufacturing processes, yielding high-quality, preservative-free food products.
Dairy Certified (Aseptic Processing) – Brampton Operations
With a dairy certified line for live and active cultures, and an aseptic fruit processing line, we are able to produce a variety of yogurt based products.

Brampton - Ontario Head Office & Operations

Lebanon - Indiana US Operations
Total Sq Ft
hr. drive
From 70% of North American Population